Shalom Eco
Moving Made Green
Our Purpose
We want to exert positive environmental impact by integrating it into our logistic industry to refine environmental issues that are part of our processes.
Apart from refining through our processes, we would like to contribute towards a sustainable Singapore by offering recycling services.
How we Do
Encouraging environmental sustainability by facilitating recycling services.
We provide pre packing materials for recyclable collections when you choose to move with us.
We have also partnered and are working with associations and agencies for collections of recyclable materials.

Protect the Environment
Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to become an environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future for our children.
Conserve Limited Resources
Conservation is similar to preservation, but while both relate to the protection of nature, they strive to accomplish this task in different ways. Conservation seeks the sustainable use of nature by humans.
Reduce space needed
Aims to reduce the waste sent to the landfill each day by 30 per cent by 2030 and with plans to achieve a 70 per cent overall recycling rate by 2030.
Extend the Lifespan of Semakau Landfill
Semakau Landfill set to run
out of space by 2035
Our Green Mission
We will work towards becoming a Zero Waste Nation by reducing consumption, as well as reusing and recycling all materials for re-purpose to give them a second lease of life. At Shalom, we started the green initiatives from ourselves and now we have added extra arms to provide a holistic moving with recycling services to the public.
1. Delivery of Cardboard Boxes & Eco Bag
We will deliver the cardboard boxes for your moving needs and eco bag for recyclables that you would like to contribute.
2. Pack for moving day
Boxes with your belongings will be shifted to your new place. Recyclables will be sent for recycling.
3. Shift into your new place
Shift clutter-free into your new house!
Our Recycling Services
What we are collecting
Types of Recyclable Materials
Let's Start Creating Something Meaningful today
Enter for a
Free moving Quote And Collection of Recyclables
Call +65 6287 6117 for other enquiries